All Rights Reserved. © Codemine-Ind. → Last Updated: 2024-02-25




Greetings. Welcome to the QMSH forum - a collection of auxiliary support resources for users of the QMSH procedural modelling kernel and scripting language.


Presently this page acts as a placeholder for the QMSH Forum and as a notice board for early-adopters of the kernel and grammar. This is primarily to support dissemination of QMSH-centric news and updates. As time progresses features shall be added to this page to reflect the evolving needs of the community.


This section contains notices pertinent to mesh-makers.

Release of Entity-Inspector for Desktop Platforms
Eco-System Tool-Repository
Experimental Sub-Division-Solid Support
Parallel-Assembly Kernel-Directive Support
Experimental Web-Assembly Editor
Release of Visual-Editor for Android
Experimental Web-GL Support
Experimental Raspberry-Pi Support
Experimental 3D Interchange-Format Support

Note: functionality is added regularly so check back for progress updates.


This section lists known issues and corresponding work-arounds.

Kernel: Linux CPU-Architecture Support
Entity-Inspector: Functional-Parity Across Platforms
Entity-Inspector: Native-IO
Mobile-Editor: Play-Store Policy Changes
Mobile-Editor: Localisation/Translations
Mobile-Editor: Tablet-Support
Mobile-Editor: Undo-Redo Support
Unity-Plugin: Missing Parametrics
Kernel: Minimal-Vertex-Optimisation
Kernel: Non-Linear-Modifiers
Grammar: Automatic-Argument-Linearisation

Note: if you encounter an issue using the kernel or grammar that is not documented above, then you can report it by messaging: feedback@qmsh.org

If you need assistance working around these issues contact: support@qmsh.org


This section outlines a number of debugging and trouble-shooting strategies for scripts written in the quick-mesh scripting-language.

Missing Return Statement
Failure to Terminate Statement
Invalid Use of Commas and Dots
Invalid Input Argument(s) to Built-In Function
Unbalanced Operative Scope
Extremely Large Mesh
Careless Instancing
Topologically Invalid Entities
Volumetrically Invalid Entities
Rendering & Shading Artefacts
Malformed Generalised Cylinders
Self Referencing Functions
Self Referencing Arrays
Cyclic Function Dependencies

Note: that this is not an exhaustive list of methods to debug scripts - rather these are commonly encountered issues that tend to crop up most when one is first getting to grips with the kernel and grammar. Hence by highlighting them - the aim is to help you better find your feet by clarifying some of the issues to watch out for.


Additionally: the following debugging strategies are applicable to trouble-shooting the tools and applications in the quick-mesh eco-system.

Aggressive Device-Manufacturer Battery-Life Management Utilities
android visual
Storage-Permission Not Taking Effect
android editor

Note: as for the grammar-centric debugging methods - the tool debugging methods outlined above are non-exhaustive and largely apply to new mesh-makers.


If you like QMSH and want to get more actively involved in the project there are many ways in which you can contribute. This section outlines some of things you can do to help shape and drive the development of the kernel and grammar.

Foremost: Create Awesome 3D Content!

As with all new technologies the-early-bird-gets-the-worm. Therefore take advantage of the beta incubation period to get to grips with high-level polyhedral-programming and start reining down awesome 3D entities! By creating and sharing high-quality 3D content you are not only helping to entice new mesh-makers into the fold but are also helping to establish the expressive-scope of the kernel and grammar.

Secondly: Provide Feedback on your Experiences

Your insights and observations are highly valued - and your feedback is welcomed. If you have thoughts on geometric-behaviour or performance, usability, efficiency or any aspect of the kernel or grammar then get in touch: feedback@qmsh.org

Thirdly: Report Bugs and Issues

By reporting any undocumented problems you encounter using the kernel and grammar you help to improve the stability and robustness of QMSH and the user-experience for future mesh-makers. Note: make sure to check the issue-tracker first though - just in case there are already known work-arounds.

Fourthly: Suggest and Request New Features

If you have ideas to improve quick-mesh or if there is functionality you would like to see added to the kernel and grammar - get in touch: feedback@qmsh.org

Fifthly: Spread the Word Hummingbird!

One of the best ways you can contribute to the growth and adoption of QMSH is to champion the kernel and grammar by spreading the word to fellow mesh-makers.


Many many thanks to those of you who have already begun sharing your procedural creations, experimenting with quick-mesh and spreading the word. Your on-going support and engagement is very much appreciated! Additionally: thank you to the vocal early-adopters amongst you for your feedback and feature requests. Individually and collectively your insights are helping to shape the kernel and grammar and direct implementation focus - so keep your thoughts coming!


Note: to further support those engaged in the creation and utilisation of quick-mesh entities - a link to an experimental 3D procedural entity exchange has been added to the project homepage's - in order to provide a simpler route to entity exposition for those without access to a dedicated server or content hosting service.

The experimental entity-exchange system is free-to-use for all mesh-makers and can be helpful in quickly sharing ephemeral procedural entities particularly when one is seeking help or assistance with the scripting-language and the kernel.

Note: for further information (on the various ways in which you can set your 3D procedural creations free) - you can also refer to the Researcher-Resources available on the homepage - specifically the Entity-Resources section.


This section collates supplementary notes related to the development of quick-mesh.

This includes implementation progress trackers for the kernel, scripting language and eco-system tooling - alongside computational and geometric performance traits.

Parallel-Assembly Support across Eco-System Tooling
Mesh Assembly Stability by Target Platform
Development Stack: Compilers
Mesh Compression for Pre-Assembled Procedural Entities
Geometric Primitives: Beveled & Rounded Platonic Solids
Runtime Optimisation for Boolean Operators
Post-Processing: Sub-Division-Solids
Post-Processing: RTJ, MMV, SSV
Development Stack: Validators
Entity-Inspector: Functionality Tracking
LL-IPC: Lower-Latency Inter-Process-Communication

Note: for more information on the current state of development you can also check the public-working-draft of the scripting-language's reference-manual. Additionally keep an eye on the release-notes accompanying each tool.

Questions & Answers

This section provides answers to questions related to QMSH.

What is Quick-Mesh?
What is a Quick-Mesh Kernel?
What is the Quick-Mesh Grammar?
What are the key limitations of Quick-Mesh?
Which platforms and environments are supported by Quick-Mesh?
Which pre-existing languages influenced the Quick-Mesh Grammar?
What differentiates Quick-Mesh from pre-existing shape-grammars?
How stable is the reference implementation of the Quick-Mesh Kernel?
How much does registration as an industrial user cost?
Does registration as an industrial user grant source-access?
Does registration as an industrial user grant redistribution-rights?
Why is redistribution currently forbidden?
When will redistributable versions of Quick-Mesh be available?
Which aspects of Quick-Mesh are non-procedural?

Note: if you can not find the answer to a question you have - get in touch.

For general enquiries message: info@qmsh.org
For technical queries message: support@qmsh.org

Help & Support

If you require any technical assistance using the Quick-Mesh Kernel, Inspector, Editor, Plugin or Grammar feel free to contact support at: support@qmsh.org

Codemine will attempt to respond to all enquiries promptly however be aware that presently Codemine prioritises help and support requests and the resolution of bugs, errors and issues over speculative, solicitous or ambiguous messages.

As further clarification: Codemine endeavours to respond to all written feedback and queries from mesh-makers (both positive and negative) within 72 hours.

Note: presently only messages written in English can be responded to.

As guidance: the easier it is to understand your message - the easier it is for your query to be answered or your request addressed or your issue resolved.

Page End.